Terms of Service

Before you use the platform, please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the platform, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions.

This agreement, and all schedules and appendices attached or referred hereto, if any, (“Agreement”) is an agreement between you as a user who accesses or establishes a connection to the website and internet service known as zodmenu.com and ZodMenu.com owned by individual entrepreneur Pham Xuan Huong.

Definitions and interpretations

Account means the account created and used by User to access or use the Platform or Services.

Platform means the online platform (website, mobile site or mobile application) developed and/or operated by ZodMenu.

Service means the services and features provided or made available by ZodMenu through or on the Platform.

Information means any information, details, content, dimensions, data, maps, locations, photographs, text, descriptions, specifications, audio or video clips, graphics, and/or other materials.

Paid Subscription means recurring payment fees that are charged in advance on a monthly basis or some other recurring interval disclosed to the User prior to the purchase.


In order to submit or upload an Information User has to create an Account at the Platform in accordance with the registration process set out by ZodMenu. Upon successful registration, User may be given access to ZodMenu Services by logging in to User's Account.

ZodMenu is entitled, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse to grant access to the User to the Platform and ZodMenu Services or any part thereof.

By submitting or uploading any Information on or through the Platform and/or ZodMenu Services, User is automatically grants, or warrants that the owner of such Information has expressly granted, ZodMenu the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to reproduce, share, publish and distribute such Information (in whole or in part) on or through the Platform.

User is not allowed to transmit or post (or cause to be transmitted or posted) through or on the Platform and/or ZodMenu Services any Information which is or may be unlawful, technologically harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane or otherwise objectionable, which encourages or may encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law or which violates or infringes or may violate or infringe the rights of others.

User ensures that all Information provided to ZodMenu or published on the Platform by User is true, complete, accurate and up-to-date and that User have all the necessary authority and right to publish or provide such Information. User warrant that ZodMenu’s use of any such Information will not infringe the right (including without limitation the Intellectual Property Rights) of any third party.

Fees and Payments

After creating an Account at the Platform User is given time limited access to a trial version of the ZodMenu Services. In order to continue using the Service after the end of the trial time period and to have access to Information uploaded, User may purchase a Paid Subscription.

Paid Subscription fees are charged in advance on a monthly basis or some other recurring interval disclosed to User prior to the purchase.

Current Paid Subscription prices and recurring intervals are equal to:

6 USD per 1 month
60 USD per 12 month
99 USD for lifetime access

Paid Subscription will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period, unless User cancels the Paid Subscription before the end of the then-current subscription period. ZodMenu does not provide refunds for any partial subscription periods. To cancel the subscription please contact us here.

ZodMenu reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change fees, including, but not limited to, Paid Subscription and recurring subscription fees (for periods not yet paid) for access to and use of the Service, or any portions of the Platform.

If ZodMenu elects to change its fees it will post notice on the Platform of all provisions pertaining to fees and payments at least one calendar month before it comes into effect.

Prices do not include VAT. VAT may be added on top of the prices in accordance with local laws.

Warranty, unavailability, and disclaimer

The Service is provided on an "as is" and “as available” basis. ZodMenu makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights.

Information made available through the Platform or ZodMenu Services may be furnished to ZodMenu by third parties, including without limitation other users of the Platform. While ZodMenu will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that such Information is communicated to User in its original form as supplied by the third party, ZodMenu does not warrant that the said Information is accurate, complete, reliable, original, current, or error-free.

In no event will ZodMenu (or any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, staff, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents), be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, any content, Information, material or postings on the Platform or the Platform itself. These limitations apply regardless of whether the party liable or allegedly liable was advised, had other reason to know, or in fact knew of the possibility of such damages.

ZodMenu shall have the right at any time to add, delete, amend, or modify this Agreement, or any part thereof, or to impose new conditions. Such addition, deletion, amendment, or modification shall be effective immediately upon notice thereof, which may be given by means of, including, but not limited to, posting on the Platform, or by electronic or conventional mail, or by any other means by which you obtain notice thereof. Any use of the Platform and/or ZodMenu Services after the issuance of such notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of this Agreement with such addition, deletion, amendment, or modification.